According to § 5 TMG:

Heid + Partner Real Estate Company GbR

Postal address

Jakobstrasse 34 02826 Görlitz


Central | +49 3581 7643 - 00  Real Estate | +49 3581 7643 - 10  Fax | +49 3581 7643 - 19

General |  Real Estate |

Represented by

Shareholder Thomas Heid and Tobias Heid

Registered on

Gewerbeamt City Görlitz

VAT identification number


Tax number


The professional liability insurance has been completed at

ergo Versicherung 40198 Dusseldorf

The activity as real estate agent and Wohnimmobilienverwalter takes place on the basis of the business license according to § 34 c of the industrial code, issued by the city administration Görlitz, Ordnungsamt, subject area trade.

Position:  Stadtverwaltung Görlitz, Ordnungsamt, Untermarkt 6-8, 02826 Görlitz 

Phone: +49 (0)3581 - 67-0  Fax: +49 (0)3581 - 67-2625

Responsible supervisory authority for the activity as real estate agent

Landkreis Görlitz, Ordnungs- und Straßenverkehrsamt, Sachgebiet allgemeines Ordnungsrecht. Position: Landratsamt Görlitz, SG Allg. Ordnungsrecht, Hochwaldstraße 29,02763 Zittau Phone: +49 (0)3581 - 663-5115 Fax: +49 (0)3581 - 663-65115

Responsible supervisory authority for the activity as a residential property manager

Landkreis Görlitz, Ordnungs- und Straßenverkehrsamt, Sachgebiet allgemeines Ordnungsrecht. Position: Landratsamt Görlitz, SG Allg. Ordnungsrecht, Hochwaldstraße 29,02763 Zittau Phone: +49 (0)3581 - 663-5115 Fax: +49 (0)3581 - 663-65115

Dispute resolution of the EU / OS platform

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online Dispute resolution (OS platform) available at is available. Our e-mail address is We are neither obliged to participate in the dispute settlement process. Source:

Copyright information

iStockphoto LP Suite 313 - 1240 20th Ave SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 1M8 canada

Heid + Partner

Johann Röhl


jr | development & photography Johann Röhl

E-Mail: Website:


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